Source code for imagine.observables.dataset

Datasets are auxiliary classes used to facilitate the reading and inclusion of
observational data in the IMAGINE pipeline"""

# Package imports
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np

# IMAGINE imports
from import BaseClass, distribute_matrix, peye, req_attr

# All declaration
__all__ = ['Dataset', 'TabularDataset', 'HEALPixDataset', 'ImageDataset',
           'FaradayDepthHEALPixDataset', 'SynchrotronHEALPixDataset',

[docs]class Dataset(BaseClass): """ Base class for writing helpers to convert arbitrary observational datasets into IMAGINE's standardized format """ def __init__(self): # Call super constructor super().__init__() self.coords = None self.Nside = None self.frequency = None self.tag = None self.cov = None self._var = None self._error = None self._data = None self.otype = None @property @req_attr def name(self): return(self.NAME) @property def frequency(self): return self._frequency @frequency.setter def frequency(self, frequency): # Converts the frequency to a value in GHz if isinstance(frequency, u.Quantity): frequency = frequency.to_value(u.GHz, equivalencies=u.spectral()) self._frequency = frequency @property def data(self): """ Array in the shape (1, N) """ return self._data[np.newaxis, :] @property def key(self): """Key used in the Observables_dictionary """ return (, self.frequency, self.Nside, self.tag) @property def var(self): if (self.cov is None) and (self._error is not None): self._var = np.ones(self._data.shape) * self._error**2 return self._var
[docs]class TabularDataset(Dataset): """ Base class for tabular datasets, where the data is input in either in a Python dictionary-like object (:py:class:`dict`, :py:class:`astropy.table.Table`, :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`, etc). Parameters ---------- data : dict_like Can be a :py:class:`dict`, :py:class:`astropy.table.Table`, :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame`, or similar object containing the data. name : str Standard name of this type of observable. E.g. 'fd', 'sync', 'dm'. Optional -------- data_col : str or None. Default: None Key used to access the relevant dataset from the provided data (i.e. data[data_column]). If *None*, this value is equal to `name`. units : :obj:`~astropy.units.Unit` object, str or None. Default: None Units used for the data. If *None*, the units are inferred from the given `data_column`. coords_type : {'galactic'; 'cartesian'} or None. Default: None Type of coordinates used. If *None*, type is inferred from present coordinate columns. lon_col, lat_col : str. Default: ('lon', 'lat') Key used to access the Galactic longitudes/latitudes (in deg) from `data`. x_col, y_col, z_col : str. Default: ('x', 'y', 'z') Keys used to access the coordinates (in kpc) from `data`. err_col : str or None. Default: None The key used for accessing the error for the data values. If *None*, no errors are used. frequency : :obj:`~astropy.units.Quantity` object or None. Default: None Frequency of the measurement (if relevant) tag : str or None. Default: None Extra information associated with the observable. * 'I' - total intensity (in unit K-cmb) * 'Q' - Stokes Q (in unit K-cmb, IAU convention) * 'U' - Stokes U (in unit K-cmb, IAU convention) * 'PI' - polarisation intensity (in unit K-cmb) * 'PA' - polarisation angle (in unit rad, IAU convention) """ def __init__(self, data, name, *, data_col=None, units=None, coords_type=None, lon_col='lon', lat_col='lat', x_col='x', y_col='y', z_col='z', err_col=None, frequency=None, tag=None): # Set name self.NAME = name # Call super constructor super().__init__() # If data_col is None, set it to name if data_col is None: data_col = name # Obtain data column self._data = u.Quantity(data[data_col], units) units = self._data.unit # Determine the keys for galactic and cartesian coordinates gal_keys = {lon_col, lat_col} cart_keys = {x_col, y_col, z_col} # If coords_type is None, attempt to infer type from provided data if coords_type is None: # Obtain data keys keys = data.keys() # If only cart_keys are present, set type to 'cartesian' if cart_keys.issubset(keys) and not gal_keys.issubset(keys): coords_type = 'cartesian' # Else, if only gal_keys are present, set type to 'galactic' elif gal_keys.issubset(keys) and not cart_keys.issubset(keys): coords_type = 'galactic' # Obtain coordinates if coords_type is None: pass elif(coords_type.lower() == 'galactic'): self.coords = {'type': 'galactic', 'lon': u.Quantity(data[lon_col], unit=u.deg), 'lat': u.Quantity(data[lat_col], unit=u.deg)} elif(coords_type.lower() == 'cartesian'): self.coords = {'type': 'cartesian', 'x': u.Quantity(data[x_col], unit=u.kpc), 'y': u.Quantity(data[y_col], unit=u.kpc), 'z': u.Quantity(data[z_col], unit=u.kpc)} else: raise ValueError('Unknown coordinates_type!') # Obtain errors if provided if err_col is not None: self._error = u.Quantity(data[err_col], units) # Save provided frequency and tag self.frequency = frequency self.tag = tag # Set Nside self.Nside = "tab" self.otype = "tabular"
[docs]class ImageDataset(Dataset): """ Class for simple non-full-sky image data """ def __init__(self, data, name, lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, object_id=None, units=None, error=None, cov=None, frequency=None, tag=None): self.NAME = name super().__init__() self.frequency = frequency self.object_id = object_id self.tag = tag self.coords = {'type': 'galactic', 'lon_min': lon_min << u.deg, 'lon_max': lon_max << u.deg, 'lat_min': lat_min << u.deg, 'lat_max': lat_max << u.deg, 'shape': data.shape} self.otype = 'image' self.Nside = 'image' assert len(data.shape) == 2 self._data = data.ravel() if cov is not None: assert error is None self._cov = distribute_matrix(cov) else: self._error = error
[docs]class HEALPixDataset(Dataset): """ Base class for HEALPix datasets, which are input as a simple 1D-array without explicit coordinate information """ def __init__(self, data, error=None, cov=None, Nside=None): super().__init__() dataNside = np.uint(np.sqrt(data.size/12)) if Nside is None: Nside = dataNside try: assert 12*int(Nside)**2 == data.size except AssertionError: print(12*int(Nside)**2, data.size) raise self.Nside = Nside self.otype = 'HEALPix' assert len(data.shape) == 1 self._data = data if cov is not None: assert error is None self.cov = distribute_matrix(cov) else: self._error = error
[docs]class FaradayDepthHEALPixDataset(HEALPixDataset): r""" Stores a Faraday depth map into an IMAGINE-compatible dataset Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1D-array containing the HEALPix map Nside : int, optional For extra internal consistency checking. If `Nside` is present, it will be checked whether :math:`12\times N_{side}^2` matches error : float or array If errors are uncorrelated, this can be used to specify them (a diagonal covariance matrix will then be constructed). cov : numpy.ndarray 2D-array containing the covariance matrix Attributes ------- data Data in ObservablesDict-compatible shape key Standard key associated with this observable """ # Class attributes NAME = 'fd'
[docs]class DispersionMeasureHEALPixDataset(HEALPixDataset): r""" Stores a dispersion measure map into an IMAGINE-compatible dataset Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1D-array containing the HEALPix map Nside : int, optional For extra internal consistency checking. If `Nside` is present, it will be checked whether :math:`12\times N_{side}^2` matches error : float or array If errors are uncorrelated, this can be used to specify them (a diagonal covariance matrix will then be constructed). cov : numpy.ndarray 2D-array containing the covariance matrix Attributes ------- data Data in ObservablesDict-compatible shape key Standard key associated with this observable """ # Class attributes NAME = 'dm'
[docs]class SynchrotronHEALPixDataset(HEALPixDataset): r""" Stores a synchrotron emission map into an IMAGINE-compatible dataset. This can be Stokes parameters, total and polarised intensity, and polarisation angle. The parameter `typ` and the units of the map in `data` must follow: * 'I' - total intensity (in unit K-cmb) * 'Q' - Stokes Q (in unit K-cmb, IAU convention) * 'U' - Stokes U (in unit K-cmb, IAU convention) * 'PI' - polarisation intensity (in unit K-cmb) * 'PA' - polarisation angle (in unit rad, IAU convention) Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray 1D-array containing the HEALPix map frequency : astropy.units.Quantity Frequency of the measurement (if relevant) Nside : int, optional For extra internal consistency checking. If `Nside` is present, it will be checked whether :math:`12\times N_{side}^2` matches data.size typ : str The type of map being supplied in `data`. error : float or array If errors are uncorrelated, this can be used to specify them (a diagonal covariance matrix will then be constructed). cov : numpy.ndarray 2D-array containing the covariance matrix Attributes ------- data Data in ObservablesDict-compatible shape key Standard key associated with this observable """ # Class attributes NAME = 'sync' def __init__(self, data, frequency, typ, **kwargs): super().__init__(data, **kwargs) self.frequency = frequency # Checks whether the typ is valid assert typ in ['I', 'Q', 'U', 'PI', 'PA'] self.tag = typ