Source code for imagine.priors.prior

# Package imports
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline

# All declaration
__all__ = ['GeneralPrior', 'ScipyPrior']

[docs]class GeneralPrior: """ Allows constructing a prior from a pre-existing sampling of the parameter space or a known probability density function (PDF). Like in `MultiNest <>`_, priors here are represented by a mapping of uniformly distributed scaled parameter values into a distribution with the desired properties (i.e. following the expected PDF). Such mapping is equivalent to the inverse of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) associated with the prior distribution. Notes ----- Here we make a summary of the algorithm that allows finding the inverse of the CDF (and therefore, a IMAGINE prior) from a set of samples or PDF. (1) If set of samples is provided, computes Kernel Density Estimate (KDE) representation of it using Gaussian kernels. (2) The KDE is evaluated on `pdf_npoints` and thi si used to construct a interpolated cubic spline, which can be inspected through the method :py:meth:`pdf`. (4) From PDF spline, the CDF is computed, which can be accessed using :py:meth:`cdf`. (5) The CDF is evaluated on `inv_cdf_npoints`, and the inverse of the CDF is, again, constructed as a interpolated cubic spline. The spline object is available at :py:meth:`inv_cdf`. Parameters ---------- samples : array_like Array containing a sample of the prior distribution one wants to use. Note: this will use :py:class:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` to compute the probability density function (PDF) through kernel density estimate using Gaussian kernels. pdf_fun : function A Python function containing the PDF associated with this prior. If an no `interval` is provided, the domain of PDF(x) will be assumed to be within the interval [0,1]. pdf_x, pdf_y : array_like The PDF can be provided as two arrays of points following (pdf_x, pdf_y) = (x, PDF(x)). In the absence of an `interval`, the interval [min(pdf_x), max(pdf_x)] will be used. interval : tuple or list A pair of points representing, respectively, the minimum and maximum parameter values to be considered. bw_method: scalar or str Used by :py:class:`scipy.stats.gaussian_kde` to select the bandwidth employed to estimate the PDF from provided samples. Can be a number, if using fixed bandwidth, or strings ‘scott’ or ‘silverman’ if these rules are to be selected. pdf_npoints : int Number of points used to evaluate pdf_fun or the KDE constructed from the samples. inv_cdf_npoints : int Number of points used to evaluate the CDF for the calculation of its inverse. """ def __init__(self, samples=None, pdf_fun=None, pdf_x=None, pdf_y=None, interval=None, bw_method=None, pdf_npoints=1500, inv_cdf_npoints=1500): # Ensures interval is quantity with consistent units interval = u.Quantity(interval) self.range = interval if (pdf_x is None) and (pdf_y is None): # If needed, constructs a pdf function from samples, using KDE if samples is not None: assert pdf_fun is None, 'Either provide the samples or the PDF, not both.' if interval is not None: ok = (samples > interval[0]) * (samples < interval[1]) samples = samples[ok] pdf_fun = stats.gaussian_kde(samples, bw_method=bw_method) if pdf_fun is not None: xmin, xmax = interval # Evaluates the PDF pdf_x = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, pdf_npoints) pdf_y = pdf_fun(pdf_x) # Normalizes and removes units inv_norm = pdf_y.sum()*(xmax-xmin)/pdf_npoints pdf_y = (pdf_y/inv_norm).value pdf_x = ((pdf_x - pdf_x.min())/(pdf_x.max() - pdf_x.min())).value # Placeholders self.inv_cdf_npoints = inv_cdf_npoints self._cdf = None self._inv_cdf = None self.distr = None if (pdf_x is not None) and (pdf_y is not None): self._pdf = CubicSpline(pdf_x, pdf_y) else: self._pdf = None @property def pdf(self): """ Probability density function (PDF) associated with this prior. """ return self._pdf
[docs] def pdf_unscaled(self, x): """ Probability density function (PDF) associated with this prior. """ return self.pdf(self._scale_parameter(x))
def _scale_parameter(self, x): return (x - self.range[0])/(self.range[1] - self.range[0]) @property def cdf(self): """ Cumulative distribution function (CDF) associated with this prior. """ if self._cdf is None: if self.pdf is not None: self._cdf = self.pdf.antiderivative() return self._cdf @property def inv_cdf(self): """ Inverse of the CDF associated with this prior, expressed as a :py:class:`scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline` object. """ if (self._inv_cdf is None) and (self.cdf is not None): t = np.linspace(0, 1, self.inv_cdf_npoints) y = self.cdf(t) # Rescales the image of the function to [0,1] y = (y-y.min())/(y.max()-y.min()) # For some distributions, there will be multiple # values of y=0 for the same t. The following corrects this # by simply removing this part of the cdf select_zeros = (y == 0) if len(select_zeros) > 1: y = y[~select_zeros] t = t[~select_zeros] # Creates interpolated spline self._inv_cdf = CubicSpline(y, t) return self._inv_cdf
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """ The "prior mapping", i.e. returns the value of the inverse of the CDF at point(s) `x`. """ return self.inv_cdf(x)
[docs]class ScipyPrior(GeneralPrior): """ Constructs a prior from a continuous distribution defined in `scipy.stats <>`_. Parameters ----------- distr : scipy.stats.rv_continuous A distribution function expressed as an instance of :py:class:`scipy.stats.rv_continuous`. *args : Any positional arguments required by the function selected in :py:data:`distr` (e.g for `scipy.stats.chi2 <>`_, one needs to supply the number of degrees of freedom, :py:data:`df`) loc : float Same meaning as in :py:class:`scipy.stats.rv_continuous`: sets the centre of the distribution (generally, the mean or mode). scale : float Same meaning as in :py:class:`scipy.stats.rv_continuous`: sets the width of the distribution (e.g. the standard deviation in the normal case). interval : tuple or list A pair of points representing, respectively, the minimum and maximum parameter values to be considered (will be used to rescale the interval). """ def __init__(self, distr, *args, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, interval=[-1.0,1.0], **kwargs): super().__init__(interval=interval) assert isinstance(distr, stats.rv_continuous), 'distr must be instance of scipy.stats.rv_continuous' xmin, xmax = interval loc = self._scale_parameter(loc) self.distr = distr(*args, loc=loc, scale=scale/(xmax - xmin), **kwargs) self._pdf = self.distr.pdf self._cdf = self.distr.cdf
# In principle, it should be possible to use scipy's built-in # ppf for this (which is supposed to be accurate and fast), # but this has not yet being implemented as it requires # some extra rescaling to work with the truncation # self._inv_cdf = self.distr.ppf