IMAGINE Components

In the following sections we describe each of the basic components of IMAGINE. We also demonstrate how to write wrappers that allow the inclusion of external (pre-existing) code, and provide code templates for this.


In IMAGINE terminology, a field refers to any computational model of a spatially varying physical quantity, such as the Galactic Magnetic Field (GMF), the thermal electron distribution, or the Cosmic Ray (CR) distribution. Generally, a field object will have a set of parameters — e.g. a GMF field object may have a pitch angle, scale radius, amplitude, etc. Field objects are used as inputs by the Simulators, which simulate those physical models, i.e. they allow constructing observables based on a set models.

During the sampling, the Pipeline does not handle fields directly but instead relies on Field Factory objects. While the field objects will do the actual computation of the physical field, given a set of physical parameters and a coordinate grid, the field factory objects take care of book-keeping tasks: they hold the parameter ranges and default values, they translate the dimensionless parameters used by the sampler (always in the interval \([0,1]\)) to physical parameters, they also store the Priors associated with each parameter of that field.

To convert ones own model into a IMAGINE-compatible field, one must create a subclass of one of the base classes available the imagine.fields.base_fields, most likely using one of the available templates (discussed in the sections below) to write a wrapper to the original code. If the basic field type one is interested in is not available as a basic field, one can create it directly subclassing imagine.fields.field.GeneralField — and this could benefit the wider community, please consider submitting a pull request or openning an issue requesting the inclusion of the new field type!

It is assumed that Field objects can be expressed as a parametrised mapping of a coordinate grid into a physical field. The grid is represented by a IMAGINE Grid object, discussed in detail in the next section. If the field is of random or stochastic nature (e.g. the density field of a turbulent medium), IMAGINE will compute a finite ensemble of different realisations which will later be used in the inference to determine the likelihood of the actual observation, accounting for the model’s expected variability.

To test a Field class, FieldFoo, one can instantiate the field object:

bar = FieldFoo(grid=example_grid, parameters={'answer': 42*}, ensemble_size=2)

where example_grid is a previously instantiated grid object. The argument parameters receives a dictionary of all the parameters used by FieldFoo, these are usually expressed as dimensional quantities (using astropy.units). Finally, the argument ensemble_size, as the name suggests allows requestion a number of different realisations of the field (for non-stochastic fields, all these will be references to the same data).

To further illustrate, assuming we are dealing with a scalar, the (spherical) radial dependence of the above defined bar can be easily plotted using:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
bar_data = bar.get_data(ensemble_index)
plt.plot(bar.grid.r_spherical.ravel(), bar_data.ravel())

The design of any field is done writing a subclass of one of the classes in imagine.fields.base_fields or imagine.GeneralField that overrides the method compute_field(seed), using it to compute the field on each spatial point. For this, the coordinate grid on which the field should be evaluated can be accessed from self.grid and the parameters from self.parameters. The same parameters must be listed as keys in the field_checklist dictionary (the values in the dictionary are used to supply extra information to specific simulators, but can be left as None in the general case).


Field objects require (with the exception of Dummy fields) a coordinate grid to operate. In IMAGINE this is expressed as an instance of the imagine.fields.grid.BaseGrid class, which represents coordinates as a set of three 3-dimensional arrays. The grid object supports cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems, handling any conversions between these automatically through the properties.

The convention is that \(0\) of the coordinates corresponds to the Galaxy (or galaxy) centre, with the \(z\) coordinate giving the distance to the midplane.

To construct a grid with uniformly-distributed coordinates one can use the imagine.fields.grid.UniformGrid that accompanies IMAGINE. For example, one can create a grid where the cylindrical coordinates are equally spaced using:

import imagine as img
cylindrical_grid = img.UniformGrid(box=[[0.25*u.kpc, 15*u.kpc],
                                        [-180*u.deg, np.pi*u.rad],
                                        [-15*u.kpc, 15*u.kpc]],
                      resolution = [9,12,9],
                      grid_type = 'cylindrical')

The box argument contains the lower and upper limits of the coordinates (respectively \(r\), \(\phi\) and \(z\)), resolution specifies the number of points for each dimension, and grid_type chooses this to be cylindrical coordinates.

The coordinate grid can be accessed through the properties cylindrical_grid.x, cylindrical_grid.y, cylindrical_grid.z, cylindrical_grid.r_cylindrical, cylindrical_grid.r_spherical, cylindrical_grid.theta (polar angle), and cylindrical_grid.phi (azimuthal angle), with conversions handled automatically. Thus, if one wants to access, for instance, the corresponding \(x\) cartesian coordinate values, this can be done simply using:


To create a personalised (non-uniform) grid, one needs to subclass imagine.fields.grid.BaseGrid and override the method generate_coordinates. The imagine.fields.grid.UniformGrid class should itself provide a good example/template of how to do this.

Thermal electrons

A new model for the distribution of thermal electrons can be introduced subclassing imagine.fields.base_fields.ThermalElectronDensityField according to the template below.

from imagine.fields import ThermalElectronDensityField
import numpy as np
import MY_GALAXY_MODEL # Substitute this by your own code

class ThermalElectronsDensityTemplate(ThermalElectronDensityField):
    """ Here comes the description of the electron density model """

    # Class attributes
    NAME = 'name_of_the_thermal_electrons_field'

    # Is this field stochastic or not. Only necessary if True
    # If there are any dependencies, they should be included in this list

    def field_checklist(self):
        # This property returns a dictionary with all the
        # available parameters as keys
        return {'Parameter_A': None, 'Parameter_B': None}

    def compute_field(self, seed):
        # If this is an stochastic field, the integer `seed `must be
        # used to set the random seed for a single realisation.
        # Otherwise, `seed` should be ignored.

        # The coordinates can be accessed from an internal grid object
        x_coord = self.grid.x
        y_coord = self.grid.y
        z_coord = self.grid.y
        # Alternatively, one can use cylindrical or spherical coordinates
        r_cyl_coord = self.grid.r_cylindrical
        r_sph_coord = self.grid.r_spherical
        theta_coord = self.grid.theta
        phi_coord = self.grid.phi

        # One can access the parameters supplied in the following way
        param_A = self.parameters['Parameter_A']
        param_B = self.parameters['Parameter_B']

        # Now you can interface with previous code or implement here
        # your own model for the thermal electrons distribution.
        # Returns the electron number density at each grid point
        # in units of (or convertible to) cm**-3
        return MY_GALAXY_MODEL.compute_ne(param_A, param_B,
                                          r_sph_coord, theta_coord, phi_coord,
                                          # If the field is stochastic
                                          # it can use the seed
                                          # to generate a realisation

Note that the return value of the method compute_field() must be of type astropy.units.Quantity, with shape consistent with the coordinate grid, and units of \(\rm cm^{-3}\).

The template assumes that one already possesses a model for distribution of thermal \(e^-\) in a module MY_GALAXY_MODEL. Such model needs to be able to map an arbitrary coordinate grid into densities.

Of course, one can also write ones model (if it is simple enough) into the derived subclass definition. On example of a class derived from imagine.fields.base_fields.ThermalElectronDensityField can be seen bellow:

from imagine import ThermalElectronDensityField

class ExponentialThermalElectrons(ThermalElectronDensityField):
    """Example: thermal electron density of an (double) exponential disc"""

    field_name = 'exponential_disc_thermal_electrons'

    def field_checklist(self):
        return {'central_density' : None, 'scale_radius' : None, 'scale_height' : None}

    def compute_field(self):
        R = self.grid.r_cylindrical
        z = self.grid.z
        Re = self.parameters['scale_radius']
        he = self.parameters['scale_height']
        n0 = self.parameters['central_density']

        return n0*np.exp(-R/Re)*np.exp(-np.abs(z/he))

Magnetic Fields

One can add a new model for magnetic fields subclassing imagine.fields.base_fields.MagneticField as illustrated in the template below.

from imagine.fields import MagneticField
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
# Substitute this by your own code

class MagneticFieldTemplate(MagneticField):
    """ Here comes the description of the magnetic field model """

    # Class attributes
    NAME = 'name_of_the_magnetic_field'

    # Is this field stochastic or not. Only necessary if True
    # If there are any dependencies, they should be included in this list

    def field_checklist(self):
        # This property returns a dictionary with all the
        # available parameters as keys
        return {'Parameter_A': None, 'Parameter_B': None}

    def compute_field(self, seed):
        # If this is an stochastic field, the integer `seed `must be
        # used to set the random seed for a single realisation.
        # Otherwise, `seed` should be ignored.

        # The coordinates can be accessed from an internal grid object
        x_coord = self.grid.x
        y_coord = self.grid.y
        z_coord = self.grid.y
        # Alternatively, one can use cylindrical or spherical coordinates
        r_cyl_coord = self.grid.r_cylindrical
        r_sph_coord = self.grid.r_spherical
        theta_coord = self.grid.theta; phi_coord = self.grid.phi

        # One can access the parameters supplied in the following way
        param_A = self.parameters['Parameter_A']
        param_B = self.parameters['Parameter_B']

        # Now one can interface with previous code, or implement a
        # particular magnetic field
        Bx, By, Bz = MY_GMF_MODEL.compute_B(param_A, param_B,
                                            x_coord, y_coord, z_coord,
                                            # If the field is stochastic
                                            # it can use the seed
                                            # to generate a realisation

        # Creates an empty output magnetic field Quantity with
        # the correct shape and units
        MF_array = np.empty(self.data_shape) * u.microgauss
        # and saves the pre-computed components
        MF_array[:,:,:,0] = Bx
        MF_array[:,:,:,1] = By
        MF_array[:,:,:,2] = Bz

        return MF_array

It was assumed the existence of a hypothetical module MY_GALAXY_MODEL which, given a set of parameters and three 3-arrays containing coordinate values, computes the magnetic field vector at each point.

The method compute_field() must return an astropy.units.Quantity, with shape (Nx,Ny,Nz,3) where Ni is the corresponding grid resolution and the last axis corresponds to the component (with x, y and z associated with indices 0, 1 and 2, respectively). The Quantity returned by the method must correpond to a magnetic field (i.e. units must be \(\mu\rm G\), \(\rm G\), \(\rm nT\), or similar).

A simple example, comprising a constant magnetic field can be seen below:

from imagine import MagneticField

class ConstantMagneticField(MagneticField):
    """Example: constant magnetic field"""
    field_name = 'constantB'

    def field_checklist(self):
        return {'Bx': None, 'By': None, 'Bz': None}

    def compute_field(self):
        # Creates an empty array to store the result
        B = np.empty(self.data_shape) * self.parameters['Bx'].unit
        # For a magnetic field, the output must be of shape:
        # (Nx,Ny,Nz,Nc) where Nc is the index of the component.
        # Computes Bx
        B[:,:,:,0] = self.parameters['Bx']*np.ones(self.grid.shape)
        # Computes By
        B[:,:,:,1] = self.parameters['By']*np.ones(self.grid.shape)
        # Computes Bz
        B[:,:,:,2] = self.parameters['Bz']*np.ones(self.grid.shape)
        return B

Cosmic ray electrons

Under development


There are situations when one may want to sample parameters which are not used to evaluate a field on a grid before being sent to a Simulator object. One possible use for this is representing a global property of the physical system which affects the observations (for instance, some global property of the ISM or, if modelling an external galaxy, the position of the galaxy).

Another common use of dummy fields is when a field is generated at runtime by the simulator. One example are the built-in fields available in Hammurabi: instead of requesting IMAGINE to produce one of these fields and hand it to Hammurabi to compute the associated synchrotron observables, one can use dummy fields to request Hammurabi to generate these fields internally for a given choice of parameters.

Using dummy fields to bypass the design of a full IMAGINE Field may simplify implementation of a Simulator wrapper and (sometimes) may be offer good performance. However, this practice of generating the actual field within the Simulator breaks the modularity of IMAGINE, and it becomes impossible to check the validity of the results plugging the same field on a different Simulator. Thus, use this with care!

A dummy field can be implemented by subclassing imagine.fields.base_fields.DummyField as shown bellow.

from imagine.fields import DummyField

class DummyFieldTemplate(DummyField):
    Description of the dummy field

    # Class attributes
    NAME = 'name_of_the_dummy_field'

    def field_checklist(self):
        return {'Parameter_A': 'parameter_A_settings',
                'Parameter_B': None}
    def simulator_controllist(self):
        return {'simulator_property_A': 'some_setting'}

Dummy fields are generally Simulator-specific and the properties field_checklist and simulator_controllist are convenient ways of sending extra settings information to the associated Simulator. The values in field_checklist allow transmitting settings associated with specific parameters, while the dictionary simulator_controllist can be used to tell how the presence of the the current dummy field should modify the Simulator’s global settings.

For example, in the case of Hammurabi, a dummy field can be used to request one of its built-in fields, which has to be set up by modifying Hammurabi’s XML parameter files. In this particular case, field_checklist is used to supply the position of a parameter in the XML file, while simulator_controllist indicates how to modify the switch in the XML file that enables this specific built-in field (see the The Hammurabi simulator tutorial for details).

Field Factory

Field Factories, represented in IMAGINE by a subclass of imagine.fields.field_factory.GeneralFieldFactory are an additional layer of infrastructure used by the samplers to provide the connection between the sampling of points in the likelihood space and the field object that will be given to the simulator.

A Field Factory object has a list of all of the field’s parameters and a list of the subset of those that are to be varied in the sampler — the latter are called the active parameters. The Field Factory also holds the allowed value ranges for each parameter, the default values (which are used for inactive parameters) and the prior distribution associated with each parameter.

At each step the Pipeline request the Field Factory for the next point in parameter space, and the Factory supplies it the form of a Field object constructed with that particular choice of parameters. This can then be handed by the Pipeline to the Simulator, which computes simulated Observables for comparison with the measured observables in the Likelihood module.

Given a Field YourFieldClass (which must be an instance of a class derived from GeneralField) the following template can be used construct a field factory:

from imagine.fields import FieldFactory
from imagine.priors import FlatPrior, GaussianPrior
# Substitute this by your own code
from MY_PACKAGE import A_std_val, B_std_val, A_min, A_max, B_min, B_max, B_sig

class FieldFactoryTemplate(FieldFactory):
    """Example: field factory for YourFieldClass"""

    # Class attributes
    # Field class this factory uses

    # Default values are used for inactive parameters
    DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = {'Parameter_A': A_std_val,
                          'Parameter_B': B_std_val}

    # All parameters need a range and a prior
    PRIORS = {'Parameter_A': FlatPrior(interval=[A_min, A_max]),
              'Parameter_B': GaussianPrior(mu=B_std_val, sigma=B_sig,
                                       interval=[B_min, B_max])}

The object Prior A must be an instance of imagine.priors.prior.GeneralPrior (see section Priors for details). A flat prior (i.e. a uniform, where all parameter values are equally likely) can be set using the imagine.priors.basic_priors.FlatPrior class.

One can initialize the Field Factory supplying the grid on which the corresponding Field will be evaluated:

myFactory = YourField_Factory(grid=cartesian_grid)

The factory object myFactory can now be handled to the Pipeline, which will generate new fields by calling the FieldFactory().


Dataset objects are helpers used for the inclusion of observational data in IMAGINE. They convert the measured data and uncertainties to a standard format which can be later handed to an observable dictionary. There are two main types of datasets: Tabular datasets and HEALPix datasets.

A (soon growing) number of ready-to-use datasets are available at the community maintained imagine-datasets repository. Below the usage of an imported dataset is illustrated:

import imagine as img
import imagine_datasets as img_datasets

# Loads the dataset (usually involves downloading the data)
my_data = img_datasets.observable_type.AuthorYear()

# Initialises ObservableDict objects
measurement = img.Measurements()
covariances = img.Covariances()

# Loads the data on the ObservableDict's

Each observable type should has an agreed/conventional name. The presently available observable names are:

  • ‘fd’ - Faraday depth

  • ‘sync’ - Synchrotron emission

    • with tag ‘I’ - Total intensity
    • with tag ‘Q’ - Stokes Q
    • with tag ‘U’ - Stokes U
    • with tag ‘PI’ - polarisation intensity
    • with tag ‘PA’ - polarisation angle
  • ‘dm’ - Dispersion measure

Tabular datasets

As the name indicates, in tabular datasets the observational data was originally in tabular format, i.e. a table where each row corresponds to a different position in the sky and columns contain (at least) the sky coordinates, the measurement and the associated error. A final requirement is that the dataset is stored in a dictionary-like object i.e. the columns can be selected by column name (for example, a Python dictionary, a Pandas DataFrame, or an astropy Table).

To construct a tabular dataset, one needs to initialize imagine.observables.TabularDataset. Below, a simple example of this, which fetches (using the package astroquery) a catalog from ViZieR and stores in in an IMAGINE tabular dataset object:

from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
from imagine.observables import TabularDataset

# Fetches the catalogue
catalog = Vizier.get_catalogs('J/ApJ/714/1170')[0]

# Loads it to the TabularDataset (the catalogue obj actually contains units)
RM_Mao2010 = TabularDataset(catalog, name='fd', units=catalog['RM'].unit,
                            data_column='RM', error_column='e_RM', tag=None,
                            lat_column='GLAT', lon_column='GLON')

From this point the object RM_Mao2010 can be appended to a Measurements. We refer the reader to the the Including new observational data tutorial and the TabularDataset api documentation and for further details.

HEALPix datasets

HEALPix datasets will generally comprise maps of the full-sky, where HEALPix pixelation is employed. For standard observables, the datasets can be initialized by simply supplying a Quantity array containing the data to the corresponding class. Below some examples, employing the classes FaradayDepthHEALPixDataset, DispersionMeasureHEALPixDataset and SynchrotronHEALPixDataset, respectively:

from imagine.observables import FaradayDepthHEALPixDataset
from imagine.observables import DispersionMeasureHEALPixDataset
from imagine.observables import SynchrotronHEALPixDataset

my_FD_dset = FaradayDepthHEALPixDataset(data=fd_data_array,
my_DM_dset = DispersionMeasureHEALPixDataset(data=fd_data_array,
sync_dset = SynchrotronHEALPixDataset(data=stoke_Q_data,
                                      frequency=23*u.GHz, type='Q')

In the first example, it was assumed that the covariance was diagonal, and therefore can be described by an error associated with each pixel, which is specified with the keyword argument error. In the second example, the covariance associated with the data is instead specified supplying a two-dimensional array using the the cov keyword argument. The final example requires the user to supply the frequency of the observation and the subtype (in this case, ‘Q’).


from imagine.simulators import Simulator
import numpy as np
import MY_SIMULATOR  # Substitute this by your own code

class SimulatorTemplate(Simulator):
    Detailed description of the simulator
    # The quantity that will be simulated (e.g. 'fd', 'sync', 'dm')
    # Any observable quantity absent in this list is ignored by the simulator
    SIMULATED_QUANTITIES = ['my_observable_quantity']
    # A list or set of what is required for the simulator to work
    REQUIRED_FIELD_TYPES = ['dummy', 'magnetic_field']
    # Fields which may be used if available
    OPTIONAL_FIELD_TYPES = ['thermal_electron_density']
    # One must specify which grid is compatible with this simulator
    ALLOWED_GRID_TYPES = ['cartesian']
    # Tells whether this simulator supports using different grids

    def __init__(self, measurements, **extra_args):
        # Send the measurements to parent class
        # Any initialization task involving **extra_args can be done *here*

    def simulate(self, key, coords_dict, realization_id, output_units):
        This is the main function you need to override to create your simulator.
        The simulator will cycle through a series of Measurements and create
        mock data using this `simulate` function for each of them.

        key : tuple
            Information about the observable one is trying to simulate
        coords_dict : dictionary
            If the trying to simulate data associated with discrete positions
            in the sky, this dictionary contains arrays of coordinates.
        realization_id : int
            The index associated with the present realisation being computed.
        output_units : astropy.units.Unit
            The requested output units.
        # The argument key provide extra information about the specific
        # measurement one is trying to simulate
        obs_quantity, freq_Ghz, Nside, tag = key

        # If the simulator is working on tabular data, the observed
        # coordinates can be accessed from coords_dict, e.g.
        lat, lon = coords_dict['lat'], coords_dict['lon']

        # Fields can be accessed from a dictionary stored in self.fields
        B_field_values = self.fields['magnetic_field']
        # If a dummy field is being used, instead of an actual realisation,
        # the parameters can be accessed from self.fields['dummy']
        my_dummy_field_parameters = self.fields['dummy']
        # Checklists can be used to send specific information to simulators
        # about specific parameters. Usually, to keep the modularity, this is
        # only done only for dummy fields
        checklist_params = self.field_checklist['dummy']
        # Controllists in dummy fields contain a dict of simulator settings
        simulator_settings = self.controllist

        # If a USE_COMMON_GRID is set to True, the grid it can be accessed from
        # grid = self.grid

        # Otherwise, if fields are allowed to use different grids, one can
        # get the grid from the self.grids dictionary and the field type
        grid_B = self.grids['magnetic_field']

        # Finally we can _simulate_, using whichever information is needed
        # and your own MY_SIMULATOR code:
        results = MY_SIMULATOR.simulate(simulator_settings,
                                        grid_B.x, grid_B.y, grid_B.z,
                                        lat, lon, freq_Ghz, B_field_values,
        # The results should be in a 1-D array of size compatible with
        # your dataset. I.e. for tabular data: results.size = lat.size
        # (or any other coordinate)
        # and for HEALPix data  results.size = 12*(Nside**2)

        # Note: Awareness of other observables
        # While this method will be called for each individual observable
        # the other observables can be accessed from self.observables
        # Thus, if your simulator is capable of computing multiple observables
        # at the same time, the results can be saved to an attribute on the first
        # call of `simulate` and accessed from this cache later.
        # To break the degeneracy between multiple realisations (which will
        # request the same key), the realisation_id can be used
        # (see Hammurabi implementation for an example)
        return results


Likelihoods define how to quantitatively compare the simulated and measured observables. They are represented within IMAGINE by an instance of class derived from imagine.likelihoods.Likelihood. There are two pre-implemented subclasses within IMAGINE:

Likelihoods need to be initialized before running the pipeline, and require measurements (at the front end). In most cases, data sets will not have covariance matrices but only noise values, in which case the covariance matrix is only the diagonal.

from imagine.likelihoods import EnsembleLikelihood
likelihood = EnsembleLikelihood(data, covariance_matrix)

The optional input argument covariance_matrix does not have to contain covariance matrices corresponding to all entries in input data. The Likelihood automatically defines the proper way for the various cases.

If the EnsembleLikelihood is used, then the sampler will be run multiple times at each point in likelihood space to create an ensemble of simulated observables.


A powerful aspect of a fully Baysean analysis approach is the possibility of explicitly stating any prior expectations about the parameter values based on previous knowledge. A prior is represented by an instance of imagine.priors.prior.GeneralPrior or one of its subclasses.

To use a prior, one has to initialize it and include it in the associated Field Factory. The simplest choice is a FlatPrior (i.e. any parameter within the range are equally likely before the looking at the observational data), which can be initialized in the following way:

from imagine.priors import FlatPrior
import astropy.units as u
myFlatPrior = FlatPrior(interval=[-2,10]*u.pc)

where the range for this parameter was chosen to be between \(-2\) and \(10\rm pc\).

After the flat prior, a common choice is that the parameter values are characterized by a Gaussian distribution around some central value. This can be achieved using the imagine.priors.basic_priors.GaussianPrior class. As an example, let us suppose one has a parameter which characterizes the strength of a component of the magnetic field, and that ones prior expectation is that this should be gaussian distributed with mean \(1\mu\rm G\) and standard deviation \(5\mu\rm G\). Moreover, let us assumed that the model only works within the range \([-30\mu \rm G, 30\mu G]\). A prior consistent with these requirements can be achieved using:

from imagine.priors import GaussianPrior
import astropy.units as u
myGaussianPrior = GaussianPrior(mu=1*u.microgauss, sigma=5*u.microgauss,


The final building block of an IMAGINE pipeline is the Pipline object. When working on a problem with IMAGINE one will always go through the following steps:

1. preparing a list of the field factories which define the theoretical models one wishes to constrain and specifying any priors;

2. preparing a measurements dictionary, with the observational data to be used for the inference; and

3. initializing a likelihood object, which defines how the likelihood function should be estimated;

once this is done, one can supply all these to a Pipeline object, which will sample the posterior distribution and estimate the evidence. This can be done in the following way:

from imagine.pipelines import UltranestPipeline
# Initialises the pipeline
pipeline = UltranestPipeline(simulator=my_simulator,
# Runs the pipeline

After running, the results can be accessed through the attributes of the Pipeline object (e.g. pipeline.samples, which contains the parameters values of the samples produced in the run).

But what exactly is the Pipeline? The Pipeline base class takes care of interfacing between all the different IMAGINE components and sets the scene so that a Monte Carlo sampler can explore the parameter space and compute the results (i.e. posterior and evidence).

Different samplers are implemented as sub-classes of the Pipeline There are 3 samplers included in IMAGINE standard distribution (alternatives can be found in some of the IMAGINE Consortium repositories), these are: the MultinestPipeline, the UltranestPipeline and the DynestyPipeline.

One can include a new sampler in IMAGINE by creating a sub-class of imagine.Pipeline. The following template illustrates this procedure:

from imagine.pipelines import Pipeline
import numpy as np
import MY_SAMPLER  # Substitute this by your own code

class PipelineTemplate(Pipeline):
    Detailed description of sampler being adopted
    # Class attributes
    # Does this sampler support MPI? Only necessary if True
    SUPPORTS_MPI = False

    def call(self, **kwargs):
        Runs the IMAGINE pipeline

        results : dict
            A dictionary containing the sampler results
            (usually in its native format)
        # Resets internal state and adjusts random seed

        # Initializes a sampler object
        # Here we provide a list of common options
        self.sampler = MY_SAMPLER.Sampler(
            # Active parameter names can be obtained from
            # The likelihood function is available in
            # Some samplers need a "prior transform function"
            # Other samplers need the prior PDF, which is
            # Sets the directory where the sampler writes the chains
            # Sets the seed used by the sampler

        # Most samplers have a `run` method, which should be executed
        self.results =

        # The samples should be converted to a numpy array and saved
        # to self._samples_array. This should have different samples
        # on different rows and each column corresponds to an active
        # parameter
        self._samples_array = self.results['samples']
        # The log of the computed evidence and its error estimate
        # should also be stored in the following way
        self._evidence = self.results['logz']
        self._evidence_err = self.results['logzerr']

        return self.results


Nothing is written in stone and the base classes may be updated with time (so, always remember to report the code release when you make use of IMAGINE). Suggestions and improvements are welcome as GitHub issues or pull requests