Source code for imagine.priors.basic_priors

# Built-in imports
import logging as log

# Package imports
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm

# IMAGINE imports
from imagine.priors import GeneralPrior, ScipyPrior

# All declaration
__all__ = ['FlatPrior', 'GaussianPrior']

[docs]class FlatPrior(GeneralPrior): """ Prior distribution stating that any parameter values within the valid interval have the same prior probability. No initialization is required. """ def __init__(self, interval=[0,1]): # Updates ranges super().__init__(interval=interval) # Constant pdf (for illustration) self._pdf = lambda x: np.ones_like(x)
[docs] def __call__(self, cube): """ Return variable value as it is parameters ---------- cube : list List of variable values in range [0,1] Returns ------- List of variable values in range [0,1] """ log.debug('@ flat_prior::__call__') return cube
[docs]class GaussianPrior(ScipyPrior): """ Truncated normal prior distribution Parameters ---------- mu : float The position of the mode (mean, if the truncation is symmetric) of the Gaussian sigma : float Width of the distribution (standard deviation, if there was no tuncation) interval : tuple or list A pair of points representing, respectively, the minimum and maximum parameter values to be considered. """ def __init__(self, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, interval=[-1.0,1.0]): super().__init__(distr=norm, loc=mu, scale=sigma, interval=interval)