Source code for imagine.pipelines.ultranest_pipeline

# Built-in imports
import logging as log
import shutil
import os
from os import path

# Package imports
import ultranest

# IMAGINE imports
from imagine.pipelines import Pipeline

# All declaration
__all__ = ['UltranestPipeline']

[docs]class UltranestPipeline(Pipeline): """ Bayesian analysis pipeline with `UltraNest <>`_ See base class for initialization details. The sampler behaviour is controlled using the `sampling_controllers` property. A description of these can be found below. Sampling controllers -------------------- resume : bool If False the Pipeline the sampling starts from the beginning, erasing any previous work in the `chains_directory`. Otherwise, tries to resume a previous run. dlogz : float Target evidence uncertainty. This is the std between bootstrapped logz integrators. dKL : float Target posterior uncertainty. This is the Kullback-Leibler divergence in nat between bootstrapped integrators. frac_remain : float Integrate until this fraction of the integral is left in the remainder. Set to a low number (1e-2 ... 1e-5) to make sure peaks are discovered. Set to a higher number (0.5) if you know the posterior is simple. Lepsilon : float Terminate when live point likelihoods are all the same, within Lepsilon tolerance. Increase this when your likelihood function is inaccurate, to avoid unnecessary search. min_ess : int Target number of effective posterior samples. max_iters : int maximum number of integration iterations. max_ncalls : int stop after this many likelihood evaluations. max_num_improvement_loops : int run() tries to assess iteratively where more samples are needed. This number limits the number of improvement loops. min_num_live_points : int minimum number of live points throughout the run cluster_num_live_points : int require at least this many live points per detected cluster num_test_samples : int test transform and likelihood with this number of random points for errors first. Useful to catch bugs. draw_multiple : bool draw more points if efficiency goes down. If set to False, few points are sampled at once. num_bootstraps : int number of logZ estimators and MLFriends region bootstrap rounds. update_interval_iter_fraction : float Update region after (update_interval_iter_fraction*nlive) iterations. Note ---- Instances of this class are callable. Look at the :py:meth:`` for details. """ # Class attributes SUPPORTS_MPI = True
[docs] def call(self, **kwargs): """ Runs the IMAGINE pipeline using the `UltraNest <>`_ :py:class:`ReactiveNestedSampler <ultranest.integrator.ReactiveNestedSampler>`. Any keyword argument provided is used to update the `sampling_controllers`. Returns ------- results : dict UltraNest sampling results in a dictionary containing the keys: logZ (the log-evidence), logZerror (the error in log-evidence) and samples (equal weighted posterior) Notes ----- See base class for other attributes/properties and methods """ log.debug('@ ultranest_pipeline::__call__') # Resets internal state self.tidy_up() default_init_params = { 'resume': False, 'num_test_samples': 2, 'num_bootstraps': 30, 'draw_multiple': True} default_run_params = { 'dlogz': 0.5, 'dKL': 0.5, 'frac_remain': 0.01, 'Lepsilon': 0.001, 'min_ess': 500, 'max_iters': None, 'max_ncalls': None, 'max_num_improvement_loops': -1, 'min_num_live_points': 400, 'cluster_num_live_points': 40, 'update_interval_iter_fraction': 0.2} # Keyword arguments can alter the sampling controllers self.sampling_controllers = kwargs # Updates the dict # Prepares initialization and run parameters from # defaults and sampling controllers init_params = { k : self.sampling_controllers.get(k, default) for k, default in default_init_params.items()} run_params = { k : self.sampling_controllers.get(k, default) for k, default in default_run_params.items()} # Updates the sampling controllers to reflect what is being used self.sampling_controllers = init_params # Updates the dict self.sampling_controllers = run_params # Updates the dict # Ultranest files directory ultranest_dir = path.join(self.chains_directory, 'ultranest') # Creates directory, if needed os.makedirs(ultranest_dir, exist_ok=True) # Cleans up the chains directory if not resuming if not init_params['resume']: init_params['resume'] = 'overwrite' # Removing manually as UltraNest's 'overwrite' option does not # seem to be working correctly shutil.rmtree(ultranest_dir) # re-creates directory os.makedirs(ultranest_dir) # Creates directory, if needed os.makedirs(ultranest_dir, exist_ok=True) # Runs UltraNest self.sampler = ultranest.ReactiveNestedSampler( param_names=list(self.active_parameters), loglike=self._likelihood_function, transform=self.prior_transform, log_dir=ultranest_dir, vectorized=False, **init_params) self.results =, **run_params) self._samples_array = self.results['samples'] self._evidence = self.results['logz'] self._evidence_err = self.results['logzerr'] return self.results