Source code for imagine.pipelines.dynesty_pipeline

# Built-in imports
import os
import logging as log
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool
from os import path

# Package imports
import dynesty

# IMAGINE imports
from imagine.pipelines import Pipeline

# All declaration
__all__ = ['DynestyPipeline']

[docs]class DynestyPipeline(Pipeline): """ Bayesian analysis pipeline with `dynesty <>`_ This pipeline may use :py:class:`DynamicNestedSampler <dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler>` if the sampling parameter 'dynamic' is set to `True` or :py:class:`NestedSampler <dynesty.NestedSampler>` if 'dynamic` is False (default). See base class for initialization details. The sampler behaviour is controlled using the `sampling_controllers` property. A description of these can be found below. Sampling controllers -------------------- dynamic : bool If `True`, use :py:class:`dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler` otherwise uses :py:class:`dynesty.NestedSampler` dlogz : float Iteration will stop, in the `dynamic==False` case, when the estimated contribution of the remaining prior volume to the total evidence falls below this threshold. Explicitly, the stopping criterion is `ln(z + z_est) - ln(z) < dlogz`, where `z` is the current evidence from all saved samples and `z_est` is the estimated contribution from the remaining volume. If `add_live` is `True`, the default is `1e-3 * (nlive - 1) + 0.01`. Otherwise, the default is `0.01`. dlogz_init : float The baseline run will stop, in the `dynamic==True` case, when the estimated contribution of the remaining prior volume to the total evidence falls below this threshold. Explicitly, the stopping criterion is `ln(z + z_est) - ln(z) < dlogz`, where `z` is the current evidence from all saved samples and `z_est` is the estimated contribution from the remaining volume. If `add_live` is `True`, the default is `1e-3 * (nlive - 1) + 0.01`. Otherwise, the default is `0.01`. nlive : int If `dynamic` is `False`, this sets the number of live points used. Default is 400. nlive_init : int If `dynamic` is `True`, this sets the number of live points used during the initial (“baseline”) nested sampling run. Default is 400. nlive_batch : int If `dynamic` is `True`, this sets the number of live points used when adding additional samples from a nested sampling run within each batch. Default is `400`. logl_max : float Iteration will stop when the sampled ln(likelihood) exceeds the threshold set by `logl_max`. Default is no bound (`np.inf`). logl_max_init : float The baseline run will stop, in the `dynamic==True` case, when the sampled ln(likelihood) exceeds this threshold. Default is no bound (`np.inf`). maxiter : int Maximum number of iterations. Iteration may stop earlier if the termination condition is reached. Default is (no limit). maxiter_init : int If `dynamic` is `True`, this sets the maximum number of iterations for the initial baseline nested sampling run. Iteration may stop earlier if the termination condition is reached. Default is sys.maxsize (no limit). maxiter_batch : int If `dynamic` is `True`, this sets the maximum number of iterations for the nested sampling run within each batch. Iteration may stop earlier if the termination condition is reached. Default is `sys.maxsize` (no limit). maxcall : int Maximum number of likelihood evaluations (without considering the initial points, i.e. maxcall_effective = maxcall + nlive). Iteration may stop earlier if termination condition is reached. Default is `sys.maxsize` (no limit). maxcall_init : int If `dynamic` is `True`, maximum number of likelihood evaluations in the baseline run. maxcall_batch : int If `dynamic` is `True`, maximum number of likelihood evaluations for the nested sampling run within each batch. Iteration may stop earlier if the termination condition is reached. Default is `sys.maxsize` (no limit). maxbatch : int If `dynamic` is `True`, maximum number of batches allowed. Default is `sys.maxsize` (no limit). use_stop : bool, optional Whether to evaluate our stopping function after each batch. Disabling this can improve performance if other stopping criteria such as :data:`maxcall` are already specified. Default is `True`. n_effective: int Minimum number of effective posterior samples. If the estimated "effective sample size" (ESS) exceeds this number, sampling will terminate. Default is no ESS (`np.inf`). n_effective_init: int Minimum number of effective posterior samples during the baseline run. If the estimated "effective sample size" (ESS) exceeds this number, sampling will terminate. Default is no ESS (`np.inf`). add_live : bool Whether or not to add the remaining set of live points to the list of samples at the end of each run. Default is `True`. print_progress : bool Whether or not to output a simple summary of the current run that updates with each iteration. Default is `True`. print_func : function A function that prints out the current state of the sampler. If not provided, the default :meth:`results.print_fn` is used. save_bounds : bool Whether or not to save past bounding distributions used to bound the live points internally. Default is *True*. bound : {`'none'`, `'single'`, `'multi'`, `'balls'`, `'cubes'`} Method used to approximately bound the prior using the current set of live points. Conditions the sampling methods used to propose new live points. Choices are no bound (`'none'`), a single bounding ellipsoid (`'single'`), multiple bounding ellipsoids (`'multi'`), balls centered on each live point (`'balls'`), and cubes centered on each live point (`'cubes'`). Default is `'multi'`. sample : {`'auto'`, `'unif'`, `'rwalk'`, `'rstagger'`, `'slice'`, `'rslice'`} Method used to sample uniformly within the likelihood constraint, conditioned on the provided bounds. Unique methods available are: uniform sampling within the bounds(`'unif'`), random walks with fixed proposals (`'rwalk'`), random walks with variable ("staggering") proposals (`'rstagger'`), multivariate slice sampling along preferred orientations (`'slice'`), and "random" slice sampling along all orientations (`'rslice'`). `'auto'` selects the sampling method based on the dimensionality of the problem (from `ndim`). When `ndim < 10`, this defaults to `'unif'`. When `10 <= ndim <= 20`, this defaults to `'rwalk'`. When `ndim > 20`, this defaults to `'slice'`. `'rstagger'` and `'rslice'` are provided as alternatives for `'rwalk'` and `'slice'`, respectively. Default is `'auto'`. Note that Dynesty's 'hslice' option is not supported within IMAGINE. update_interval : int or float If an integer is passed, only update the proposal distribution every `update_interval`-th likelihood call. If a float is passed, update the proposal after every `round(update_interval * nlive)`-th likelihood call. Larger update intervals larger can be more efficient when the likelihood function is quick to evaluate. Default behavior is to target a roughly constant change in prior volume, with `1.5` for `'unif'`, `0.15 * walks` for `'rwalk'` and `'rstagger'`, `0.9 * ndim * slices` for `'slice'`, `2.0 * slices` for `'rslice'`, and `25.0 * slices` for `'hslice'`. enlarge : float Enlarge the volumes of the specified bounding object(s) by this fraction. The preferred method is to determine this organically using bootstrapping. If `bootstrap > 0`, this defaults to `1.0`. If `bootstrap = 0`, this instead defaults to `1.25`. bootstrap : int Compute this many bootstrapped realizations of the bounding objects. Use the maximum distance found to the set of points left out during each iteration to enlarge the resulting volumes. Can lead to unstable bounding ellipsoids. Default is `0` (no bootstrap). vol_dec : float For the `'multi'` bounding option, the required fractional reduction in volume after splitting an ellipsoid in order to to accept the split. Default is `0.5`. vol_check : float For the `'multi'` bounding option, the factor used when checking if the volume of the original bounding ellipsoid is large enough to warrant `> 2` splits via `ell.vol > vol_check * nlive * pointvol`. Default is `2.0`. walks : int For the `'rwalk'` sampling option, the minimum number of steps (minimum 2) before proposing a new live point. Default is `25`. facc : float The target acceptance fraction for the `'rwalk'` sampling option. Default is `0.5`. Bounded to be between `[1. / walks, 1.]`. slices : int For the `'slice'` and `'rslice'` sampling options, the number of times to execute a "slice update" before proposing a new live point. Default is `5`. Note that `'slice'` cycles through **all dimensions** when executing a "slice update". Note ---- Instances of this class are callable. Look at the :py:meth:`` for details. """
[docs] def call(self, **kwargs): """ Runs the IMAGINE pipeline using the Dynesty sampler Returns ------- results : dict Dynesty sampling results """ log.debug('@ dynesty_pipeline::__call__') # Resets internal state self.tidy_up() # Common parameters for NestedSampler and DynamicNestedSampler default_init_params = {'bound': 'multi', 'sample': 'auto', 'update_interval': None, 'enlarge' : None, 'bootstrap': 0, 'vol_dec': 0.5, 'facc': 0.5, 'slices': 5, 'walks': 25, 'vol_check': 2.0} # Keyword arguments can alter the sampling controllers self.sampling_controllers = kwargs # Updates the dict dynamic = self.sampling_controllers.get('dynamic', True) resume = self.sampling_controllers.get('resume', False) assert (not resume), 'DynestyPipeline does not support resuming!' if dynamic: dynesty_sampler = dynesty.DynamicNestedSampler default_run_params = {'nlive_init': 400, 'maxiter_init': None, 'maxcall_init': None, 'dlogz_init': 0.01, 'logl_max_init': np.inf, 'n_effective_init': np.inf, 'nlive_batch': 400, 'maxiter_batch': None, 'maxcall_batch': None, 'maxiter': None, 'maxcall': None, 'maxbatch': None, 'n_effective': np.inf, 'use_stop': True, 'save_bounds': True, 'print_progress': True, 'print_func': None} else: dynesty_sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler default_init_params.update({'nlive': 400}) default_run_params = {'maxiter': None, 'maxcall': None, 'dlogz': None, 'logl_max': np.inf, 'n_effective': None, 'print_progress': True, 'print_func': None, 'save_bounds': True} # Prepares initialization and run parameters from # defaults and sampling controllers init_params = { k : self.sampling_controllers.get(k, default) for k, default in default_init_params.items()} run_params = { k : self.sampling_controllers.get(k, default) for k, default in default_run_params.items()} # Updates the sampling controllers to reflect what is being used self.sampling_controllers = init_params # Updates the dict self.sampling_controllers = run_params # Updates the dict rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed=self.master_seed) self.sampler = dynesty_sampler(self._likelihood_function, self.prior_transform, len(self._active_parameters), pool=None, # parallel not working gradient=None, # gradients not supported live_points=None, rstate=rstate, **init_params) self.sampler.run_nested(**run_params) self.results = self.sampler.results self._samples_array = self.results['samples'] self._evidence = self.results['logz'] self._evidence_err = self.results['logzerr'] return self.results