Source code for imagine.observables.observable_dict

For convenience we define dictionary of Observable objects as
ObservableDict from which one can define define the classes Measurements,
Covariances, Simulations and Masks, which can be used to store:

    * measured data sets
    * measured/simulated covariances
    * simulated ensemble sets
    * mask "maps" (but actually mask lists)

Conventions for observables entries
    * **Faraday depth:** `('fd','nan',str(size/Nside),'nan')`
    * **Dispersion measure**: `('dm','nan',str(pix),'nan')`
    * **Synchrotron emission**: `('sync',str(freq),str(pix),X)`
        where X stands for:
            * 'I' - total intensity (in unit K-cmb)
            * 'Q' - Stokes Q (in unit K-cmb, IAU convention)
            * 'U' - Stokes U (in unit K-cmb, IAU convention)
            * 'PI' - polarisation intensity (in unit K-cmb)
            * 'PA' - polarisation angle (in unit rad, IAU convention)

        * `str(freq)`, polarisation-related-flag are redundant for Faraday depth
            and dispersion measure so we put 'nan' instead
        * `str(pix/nside)` stores either Healpix Nside, or just number of
            pixels/points we do this for flexibility, in case users have non-HEALPix
            based in/output

Remarks on the observable tags
    str(freq), polarisation-related-flag are redundant for Faraday depth and dispersion measure so we put 'nan' instead

    str(pix/nside) stores either Healpix Nisde, or just number of pixels/points
    we do this for flexibility, in case users have non-HEALPix-map-like in/output

Masking convention
    masked erea associated with pixel value 0,
    unmasked area with pixel value 1

Masking method
    mask only applies to observables/covariances
    observable after masking will be re-recorded as plain data type

.. note:: Distribution with MPI

    * all data are either distributed or copied, where "copied" means each node
      stores the identical copy which is convenient for hosting measured data
      and mask map

    * Covariances has Field object with global shape "around"
      (data_size//mpisize, data_size) "around" means to distribute matrix
      correctly as described in "imagine/tools/"

# Built-in imports
import abc
import logging as log

# Package imports
import numpy as np

# IMAGINE imports
from imagine.observables.dataset import Dataset, HEALPixDataset
from imagine.observables.observable import Observable
from import BaseClass, mask_cov, mask_obs, req_attr

# All declaration
__all__ = ['ObservableDict', 'Masks', 'Measurements', 'Simulations',

[docs]class ObservableDict(BaseClass, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Base class from which `imagine.observables.observable_dict.Measurements`, `imagine.observables.observable_dict.Covariances`, `imagine.observables.observable_dict.Simulations` and `imagine.observables.observable_dict.Masks` are derived. See `imagine.observables.observable_dict` module documentation for further details. """ def __init__(self): # Call super constructor super().__init__() self._archive = {} @property def archive(self): return self._archive
[docs] def keys(self): return self._archive.keys()
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._archive[key]
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def append(self, name, new_data, plain=False): """ Adds/updates name and data Parameters ---------- name : str tuple Should follow the convention: ``(data-name,str(data-freq),str(data-Nside/size),str(ext))``. If data is independent from frequency, set 'nan'. `ext` can be 'I','Q','U','PI','PA', 'nan' or other customized tags. new_data distributed/copied :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`Observable <imagine.observables.observable.Observable>` plain : bool If True, means unstructured data. If False (default case), means HEALPix-like sky map. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def apply_mask(self, mask_dict): """ Parameters ---------- mask_dict : imagine.observables.observable_dict.Masks Masks object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class Masks(ObservableDict): """ Stores HEALPix mask maps See `imagine.observables.observable_dict` module documentation for further details. """
[docs] def append(self, name, new_data, plain=False): """ Adds/updates name and data Parameters ---------- name : str tuple Should follow the convention: ``(data-name,str(data-freq),str(data-Nside/"tab"),str(ext))``. If data is independent from frequency, set 'nan'. `ext` can be 'I','Q','U','PI','PA', 'nan' or other customized tags. new_data distributed/copied :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`Observable <imagine.observables.observable.Observable>` plain : bool If True, means unstructured data. If False (default case), means HEALPix-like sky map. """ log.debug('@ observable_dict::Masks::append') assert (len(name) == 4) if isinstance(new_data, Observable): assert (new_data.dtype == 'measured') if not plain: assert (new_data.size == 12*np.uint(name[2])**2) self._archive.update({name: new_data}) elif isinstance(new_data, np.ndarray): assert (new_data.shape[0] == 1) if not plain: assert (new_data.shape[1] == 12*np.uint(name[2])*np.uint(name[2])) self._archive.update({name: Observable(new_data, 'measured')}) else: raise TypeError('unsupported data type')
[docs] def apply_mask(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class Measurements(ObservableDict): """ Stores observational data sets See `imagine.observables.observable_dict` module documentation for further details. """
[docs] def append(self, name=None, new_data=None, plain=False, dataset=None): """ Adds/updates name and data Parameters ---------- dataset : imagine.observables.dataset.Dataset The IMAGINE dataset already adjusts the format of the data and sets the adequate key. If `dataset` is present, all other arguments will be ignored. name : str tuple Should follow the convention: ``(data-name,str(data-freq),str(data-Nside)/"tab",str(ext))``. If data is independent from frequency, set 'nan'. `ext` can be 'I','Q','U','PI','PA', 'nan' or other customized tags. new_data : numpy.ndarray or imagine.observables.observable.Observable distributed/copied :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`Observable <imagine.observables.observable.Observable>` plain : bool If True, means unstructured/tabular data. If False (default case), means HEALPix-like sky map. """ log.debug('@ observable_dict::Measurements::append') if dataset is not None: assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset) name = dataset.key new_data = coords = dataset.coords if isinstance(dataset, HEALPixDataset): plain=False else: plain=True else: coords=None assert (len(name) == 4), 'Wrong format for Observable key!' if isinstance(new_data, Observable): assert (new_data.dtype == 'measured') if not plain: assert (new_data.size == 12*np.uint(name[2])**2) self._archive.update({name: new_data}) # rw elif isinstance(new_data, np.ndarray): if not plain: assert (new_data.shape[1] == 12*np.uint(name[2])**2) self._archive.update({name: Observable(data=new_data, dtype='measured', coords=coords)}) # rw else: raise TypeError('Unsupported data type')
[docs] def apply_mask(self, mask_dict=None): log.debug('@ observable_dict::Measurements::apply_mask') if mask_dict is None: pass else: assert isinstance(mask_dict, Masks) for name, msk in mask_dict._archive.items(): if name in self._archive.keys(): masked = mask_obs(self._archive[name].data, new_name = (name[0], name[1], str(masked.shape[1]), name[3]) self._archive.pop(name, None) # pop out obsolete data self.append(new_name, masked, plain=True) # append new as plain data
[docs]class Simulations(ObservableDict): """ Stores simulated ensemble sets See `imagine.observables.observable_dict` module documentation for further details. """
[docs] def append(self, name, new_data, plain=False): """ Adds/updates name and data Parameters ---------- name : str tuple Should follow the convention: ``(data-name,str(data-freq),str(data-Nside)/"tab",str(ext))``. If data is independent from frequency, set 'nan'. `ext` can be 'I','Q','U','PI','PA', 'nan' or other customized tags. new_data distributed/copied :py:class:`numpy.ndarray` or :py:class:`Observable <imagine.observables.observable.Observable>` plain : bool If True, means unstructured data. If False (default case), means HEALPix-like sky map. """ log.debug('@ observable_dict::Simulations::append') assert (len(name) == 4) if name in self._archive.keys(): # app self._archive[name].rw_flag = False self._archive[name].append(new_data) else: # new_data if isinstance(new_data, Observable): if not plain: assert (new_data.size == 12*np.uint64(name[2])**2) self._archive.update({name: new_data}) elif isinstance(new_data, np.ndarray): # distributed data self._archive.update({name: Observable(new_data, 'simulated')}) else: raise TypeError('unsupported data type')
[docs] def apply_mask(self, mask_dict): log.debug('@ observable_dict::Simulations::apply_mask') if mask_dict is None: pass else: assert isinstance(mask_dict, Masks) for name, msk in mask_dict._archive.items(): if name in self._archive.keys(): masked = mask_obs(self._archive[name].data, new_name = (name[0], name[1], str(masked.shape[1]), name[3]) self._archive.pop(name, None) # pop out obsolete self.append(new_name, masked, plain=True) # append new as plain data
[docs]class Covariances(ObservableDict): """ Stores observational covariances See `imagine.observables.observable_dict` module documentation for further details. """
[docs] def append(self, name=None, new_data=None, plain=False, dataset=None): """ Adds/updates name and data Parameters ---------- name : str tuple Should follow the convention: ``(data-name,str(data-freq),str(data-Nside)/"tab",str(ext))``. If data is independent from frequency, set 'nan'. `ext` can be 'I','Q','U','PI','PA', 'nan' or other customized tags. data distributed/copied ndarray/Observable plain : bool If True, means unstructured data. If False (default case), means HEALPix-like sky map. """ log.debug('@ observable_dict::Covariances::append') if dataset is not None: assert isinstance(dataset, Dataset) name = dataset.key new_data = dataset.cov if isinstance(dataset, HEALPixDataset): plain=False else: plain=True assert (len(name) == 4) if isinstance(new_data, Observable): # always rewrite if not plain: assert (new_data.size == 12*np.uint64(name[2])**2) self._archive.update({name: new_data}) # rw elif isinstance(new_data, np.ndarray): if not plain: assert (new_data.shape[1] == 12*np.uint64(name[2])**2) self._archive.update({name: Observable(new_data, 'covariance')}) else: raise TypeError('unsupported data type')
[docs] def apply_mask(self, mask_dict): log.debug('@ observable_dict::Covariances::apply_mask') if mask_dict is None: pass else: assert isinstance(mask_dict, Masks) for name, msk in mask_dict._archive.items(): if name in self._archive.keys(): masked = mask_cov(self._archive[name].data, new_name = (name[0], name[1], str(masked.shape[1]), name[3]) self._archive.pop(name, None) # pop out obsolete self.append(new_name, masked, plain=True) # append new as plain data