Source code for imagine.fields.field

# Built-in imports
import abc
import logging as log

# Package imports
import numpy as np

# IMAGINE imports
from import BaseClass, req_attr

# All declaration
__all__ = ['Field']

# Define abstract base class for creating fields in IMAGINE
[docs]class Field(BaseClass, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ This is the base class which can be used to include a completely new field in the IMAGINE pipeline. Base classes for specific physical quantites (e.g. magnetic fields) are already available in the module :mod:`imagine.fields.basic_fields`. Thus, before subclassing `GeneralField`, check whether a more specialized subclass is not available. For more details check the :ref:`components:Fields` section in the documentation. Parameters ---------- grid : imagine.fields.grid.BaseGrid Instance of :py:class:`imagine.fields.grid.BaseGrid` containing a 3D grid where the field is evaluated parameters : dict Dictionary of full parameter set {name: value} ensemble_size : int Number of realisations in field ensemble ensemble_seeds : list Random seeds for generating random field realisations """ def __init__(self, grid, *, parameters={}, ensemble_size=None, ensemble_seeds=None, dependencies={}): log.debug('@ field::__init__') # Call super constructor super().__init__() self.grid = grid self._parameters = {} self.parameters = parameters # For convenience, when ensemble info is not available, # assumes an ensemble of 1 if ensemble_size is None and ensemble_seeds is None: ensemble_size = 1 self.ensemble_size = ensemble_size self.ensemble_seeds = ensemble_seeds # Placeholders self._deterministic_data = None self.dependencies = dependencies assert self.type not in self.dependencies_list, 'Field cannot depend on its own field type' @property @req_attr def type(self): """Type of the field""" return(self.TYPE) @property def dependencies_list(self): """Dependencies on other fields""" return(getattr(self, 'DEPENDENCIES_LIST', [])) @property @req_attr def name(self): """ Name of the field """ return(self.NAME) @property def stochastic_field(self): """ *True* if the field is stochastic or *False* if the field is deterministic (i.e. the output depends only on the parameter values and not on the seed value). Default value is *False* if subclass does not override :attr:`~STOCHASTIC_FIELD`. """ return(getattr(self, 'STOCHASTIC_FIELD', False)) @property @req_attr def units(self): """Physical units of the field""" return(self.UNITS) @abc.abstractproperty def data_description(self): """Summary of what is in each axis of the data array""" raise NotImplementedError @abc.abstractproperty def data_shape(self): """Shape of the field data array""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def compute_field(self, seed): """ This should be overridden with a derived class. It must return an array with dimensions compatible with the associated `field_type`. See :doc:`documentation <components>`. Should not be used directly (use :py:meth:`get_data` instead). Parameters ---------- seed : int If the field is stochastic, this argument allows setting the random number generator seed accordingly. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_data(self, i_realization=0, dependencies={}): """ Evaluates the physical field defined by this class. Parameters ---------- i_realization : int If the field is stochastic, this indexes the realization generated. Default value: 0 (i.e. the first realization). dependencies : dict If the :py:data:`dependencies_list` is non-empty, a dictionary containing the requested dependencies must be provided. Returns ------- field : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Array of shape :py:data:`data_shape` whose contents are described by :py:data:`data_description` in units :py:data:`field_units`. """ if self.stochastic_field: assert i_realization<self.ensemble_size # Checks and updates dependencies self._update_dependencies(dependencies) # Computes stochastic field seed = self.ensemble_seeds[i_realization] field = self.compute_field(seed) self._check_realisation(field) elif self._deterministic_data is None: # Checks and updates dependencies self._update_dependencies(dependencies) # Computes and caches deterministic field field = self.compute_field(None) self._check_realisation(field) self._deterministic_data = field else: # Uses the cache of deterministic field field = self._deterministic_data return field
def _update_dependencies(self, dependencies): for dep in self.dependencies_list: if dep not in dependencies: raise KeyError('Missing field dependency {}'.format(dep)) self.dependencies = dependencies def _check_realisation(self, field): # Checks the units assert self.units.is_equivalent(field.unit), 'Field units should be '+self.units # Checks the shape try: assert field.shape == self.data_shape except AssertionError: print('Incorrect shape, it should be:', self.data_shape) print('It is instead:', field.shape) print('Description:', self.data_description) raise @abc.abstractproperty def field_checklist(self): """Dictionary with all parameter names as keys""" raise NotImplementedError @property def ensemble_seeds(self): return self._ensemble_seeds @ensemble_seeds.setter def ensemble_seeds(self, ensemble_seeds): if ensemble_seeds is None: # in case no seeds given, choose something self._ensemble_seeds = np.random.randint(0, 2**31-1, self.ensemble_size) else: if self.ensemble_size is None: self.ensemble_size = len(ensemble_seeds) assert len(ensemble_seeds) == self.ensemble_size self._ensemble_seeds = ensemble_seeds @property def parameters(self): """ Dictionary containing parameters used for this field.""" return self._parameters @parameters.setter def parameters(self, parameters): for k in parameters: assert (k in self.field_checklist) self._parameters.update(parameters) log.debug('update full-set parameters %s' % (parameters))