Source code for

# Built-in imports
from math import floor, log10

# Package imports
import astropy.units as apu

# All declaration
__all__ = ['adjust_error_intervals', 'is_notebook', 'unit_checker']

[docs]def is_notebook(): """ Finds out whether python is running in a Jupyter notebook or as a shell. """ try: shell = get_ipython().__class__.__name__ if shell == 'ZMQInteractiveShell': return True # Jupyter notebook or qtconsole elif shell == 'TerminalInteractiveShell': return False # Terminal running IPython else: return False # Other type (?) except NameError: return False # Probably standard Python interpreter
[docs]def adjust_error_intervals(value, errlo, errup, sdigits=2, return_ndec=False): r""" Takes the value of a quantity `value` with associated errors `errlo` and `errup`; and prepares them to be reported as :math:`v^{+err\,up}_{-err\,down}`. This is done by adjusting the number of decimal places of all the argumetns so that the errors have at least `sdigits` significant digits. Optionally, this number of decimal places may be returned. Parameters ---------- value : int or float or astropy.Quantity Value of quantity. errlo, errup : int or float or astropy.Quantity Associated lower and upper errors of `value`. sdigits : int, optional Minimum number of significant digits in the errors return_ndec : bool, optional If True, also returns the number of decimal points used Returns ------- value : float Rounded value errlo, errup : float Assimetric error values n : int If `return_ndec` is `True`, the number of decimal places is returned """ unit, [value, errlo, errup] = unit_checker(None, [value, errlo, errup]) get_rounding = lambda x: -int(floor(log10(abs(x)))) + (sdigits - 1) if unit is None: unit = 1.0 n = max(get_rounding(errlo), get_rounding(errup)) value, errlo, errup = (round(x,n)*unit for x in (value, errlo, errup)) if not return_ndec: return value, errlo, errup else: return value, errlo, errup, n
[docs]def unit_checker(unit, list_of_quant): """ Checks the consistency of units of a list of quantities, converting them all to the same units, if needed. Parameters ---------- unit : astropy.Unit Unit to be used for the quantities in the list. If set to `None`, the units of the first list item are used. list_of_quant : list List of quantities to be checked. Returns ------- unit : astropy.Unit The common unit used list_of_values : Contains the quantities of `list_of_quant` converted to floats using the common unit `unit` """ ul = [] for uq in list_of_quant: if isinstance(uq, apu.Quantity): if unit is None: unit = uq.unit else: ul.append(uq.to_value(unit)) else: ul.append(uq) return unit, ul