Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Built-in imports
from inspect import currentframe

# All declaration
__all__ = ['BaseClass', 'req_attr']

# Define a base class that automatically checks for missing attributes
[docs]class BaseClass(object): # Class attributes REQ_ATTRS = [] def __init__(self): # Check if all required class attributes are defined self._check_class_attrs() # This function checks if all required class attributes are available def _check_class_attrs(self): # Loop over all required attributes in REQ_ATTRS and check if it exists for attr in self.REQ_ATTRS: if not hasattr(self, attr): # Raise error if attribute is not found raise AttributeError("Required class attribute %r is not " "defined!" % (attr))
[docs]def req_attr(meth): # Obtain the REQ_ATTRS attribute of the class of given 'meth' frame = currentframe().f_back req_attrs = frame.f_locals.get('REQ_ATTRS') # If req_attrs is None, add it to the class first if req_attrs is None: req_attrs = [] frame.f_locals['REQ_ATTRS'] = req_attrs # Add capitalized version of method name to req_attrs req_attrs.append(meth.__name__.upper()) # Return method return(meth)