Source code for

The mapper module is designed for implementing distribution mapping functions.

# Built-in imports
import logging as log

# Package imports
import numpy as np

# All declaration
__all__ = ['exp_mapper', 'unity_mapper']

[docs]def unity_mapper(x, a=0., b=1.): """ Maps x from [0, 1] into the interval [a, b]. Parameters ---------- x : float The variable to be mapped. a : float The lower parameter value limit. b : float The upper parameter value limit. Returns ------- numpy.float64 The mapped parameter value. """ log.debug('@ carrier_mapper::unity_mapper') return np.float64(x) * (np.float64(b)-np.float64(a)) + np.float64(a)
[docs]def exp_mapper(x, a=0, b=1): """ Maps x from [0, 1] into the interval [exp(a), exp(b)]. Parameters ---------- x : float The variable to be mapped. a : float The lower parameter value limit. b : float The upper parameter value limit. Returns ------- numpy.float64 The mapped parameter value. """ log.debug('@ carrier_mapper::exp_mapper') return np.exp(unity_mapper(x, a, b))