Source code for imagine.fields.hamx.breg_lsa

# IMAGINE imports
from imagine.fields import DummyField, FieldFactory
from imagine.priors import FlatPrior

# All declaration
__all__ = ['BregLSA', 'BregLSAFactory']

[docs]class BregLSA(DummyField): """ This dummy field instructs the :py:class:`Hammurabi <imagine.simulators.hammurabi.Hammurabi>` simulator class to use the HammurabiX's builtin regular magnetic field WMAP-3yr LSA. """ # Class attributes NAME = 'breg_lsa' FIELD_CHECKLIST = {'b0': (['magneticfield', 'regular', 'lsa', 'b0'], 'value'), 'psi0': (['magneticfield', 'regular', 'lsa', 'psi0'], 'value'), 'psi1': (['magneticfield', 'regular', 'lsa', 'psi1'], 'value'), 'chi0': (['magneticfield', 'regular', 'lsa', 'chi0'], 'value')} SIMULATOR_CONTROLLIST = {'cue': (['magneticfield', 'regular'], {'cue': '1'}), 'type': (['magneticfield', 'regular'], {'type': 'lsa'})}
[docs]class BregLSAFactory(FieldFactory): """ Field factory that produces the dummy field :py:class:`BregLSA` (see its docs for details). """ # Class attributes FIELD_CLASS = BregLSA DEFAULT_PARAMETERS = {'b0': 6.0, 'psi0': 27.0, 'psi1': 0.9, 'chi0': 25.0} PRIORS = {'b0': FlatPrior(xmin=0., xmax=10.), 'psi0': FlatPrior(xmin=0., xmax=50.), 'psi1': FlatPrior(xmin=0., xmax=5.), 'chi0': FlatPrior(xmin=-25., xmax=50.)}