Source code for imagine.fields.grid

Contains the definition of the BaseGrid class and an example of its
application: a basic uniform grid.

This was strongly based on GalMag's Grid class,
initially developed by Theo Steininger

# Built-in imports
import abc

# Package imports
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

# IMAGINE imports
from import BaseClass

# All declaration
__all__ = ['BaseGrid', 'UniformGrid']

[docs]class BaseGrid(BaseClass, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """ Defines a 3D grid object for a given choice of box dimensions and resolution. This is a base class. To create your own grid, you need to subclass `BaseGrid` and override the method :py:meth:`generate_coordinates`. Calling the attributes does the conversion between different coordinate systems automatically (spherical, cylindrical and cartesian coordinates centred at the galaxy centre). Parameters ---------- box : 3x2-array_like Box limits resolution : 3-array_like containing the resolution along each axis. Attributes ---------- box : 3x2-array_like Box limits resolution : 3-array_like Containing the resolution along each axis (the *shape* of the grid). """ def __init__(self, box, resolution): # Call super constructor super().__init__() = box self.resolution = np.empty((3,), self.resolution[:] = resolution self._coordinates = None self._prototype_source = None self.grid_type = None @property def coordinates(self): """A dictionary contaning all the coordinates""" if self._coordinates is None: self._coordinates = self.generate_coordinates() # Checks the input units for k in self._coordinates: assert isinstance(self._coordinates[k],u.Quantity), k+' must be a Quantity' if k in ('x','y','z','r_spherical', 'r_cylindrical'): assert self._coordinates[k].unit.is_equivalent(u.kpc), k+' must be in length units' elif k in ('theta','phi'): assert self._coordinates[k].unit.is_equivalent(u.rad, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles()), k+' must be an angle or dimensionless' return self._coordinates @property def x(self): """Horizontal coordinate, :math:`x`""" if 'x' not in self.coordinates: self.coordinates['x'] = self.r_cylindrical * self.cos_phi return self.coordinates['x'] @property def y(self): """Horizontal coordinate, :math:`y`""" if 'y' not in self.coordinates: self.coordinates['y'] = self.r_cylindrical * self.sin_phi return self.coordinates['y'] @property def z(self): """Vertical coordinate, :math:`z`""" if 'z' not in self.coordinates: self.coordinates['z'] = self.r_spherical * self.cos_theta return self.coordinates['z'] @property def r_spherical(self): """Spherical radial coordinate, :math:`r`""" if 'r_spherical' not in self.coordinates: if 'z' not in self.coordinates: raise KeyError('Could not compute r_spherical from available coordinates') self.coordinates['r_spherical'] = np.sqrt(self.r_cylindrical**2 + self.z**2) return self.coordinates['r_spherical'] @property def r_cylindrical(self): """Cylindrical radial coordinate, :math:`s`""" if 'r_cylindrical' not in self.coordinates: if ('x' not in self.coordinates) or ('y' not in self.coordinates): self.coordinates['r_cylindrical'] = self.r_spherical * self.sin_theta else: self.coordinates['r_cylindrical'] = np.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2) return self.coordinates['r_cylindrical'] @property def theta(self): r"""Polar coordinate, :math:`\theta`""" if 'theta' not in self.coordinates: self.coordinates['theta'] = np.arccos(self.z/self.r_spherical) return self.coordinates['theta'] @property def phi(self): r"""Azimuthal coordinate, :math:`\phi`""" if 'phi' not in self.coordinates: self.coordinates['phi'] = np.arctan2(self.y, self.x) return self.coordinates['phi'] @property def sin_theta(self): r""":math:`\sin(\theta)`""" if 'theta' not in self.coordinates: return self.r_cylindrical / self.r_spherical return np.sin(self.theta) @property def cos_theta(self): r""":math:`\cos(\theta)`""" if 'theta' in self.coordinates: return np.cos(self.theta) return self.z / self.r_spherical @property def sin_phi(self): r""":math:`\sin(\phi)`""" if 'phi' in self.coordinates: return np.sin(self.phi) else: return self.y / self.r_cylindrical @property def cos_phi(self): r""":math:`\cos(\phi)`""" if 'phi' in self.coordinates: return np.cos(self.phi) return self.x / self.r_cylindrical @property def shape(self): """The same as :py:attr:`resolution`""" return self.resolution
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def generate_coordinates(self): """ Placeholder for method which uses the information in the attributes `box` and `resolution` to return a dictionary containing the values of (either) the coordinates ('x','y','z') or ('r_cylindrical', 'phi','z'), ('r_spherical','theta', 'phi') This method is *automatically* called the first time any coordinate is read. """ raise NotImplementedError(("Subclasses should implement this!"))
[docs]class UniformGrid(BaseGrid): r""" Defines a 3D grid object for a given choice of box dimensions and resolution. The grid is uniform in the selected coordinate system (which is chosen through the parameter `grid_type`. Example ------- >>> import magnetizer.grid as grid >>> import astropy.units as u >>> xlims = [0,4]*u.kpc; ylims = [1,2]*u.kpc; zlims = [1,1]*u.kpc >>> g = grid.UniformGrid([xlims, ylims, zlims], [5,2,1]) >>> g.x array([[[0.],[0.]], [[1.],[1.]], [[2.],[2.]], [[3.],[3.]], [[4.],[4.]]]) >>> g.y array([[[1.], [2.]], [[1.], [2.]], [[1.], [2.]], [[1.], [2.]], [[1.], [2.]]]) Calling the attributes does the conversion between different coordinate systems automatically. Parameters ---------- box : 3x2-array_like Box limits. Each row corresponds to a different coordinate and should contain units. For 'cartesian' grid_type, the rows should contain (in order)'x','y' and 'z'. For 'cylindrical' they should have 'r_cylindrical', 'phi' and 'z'. for 'spherical', 'r_spherical','theta' and 'phi'. resolution : 3-array_like containing the resolution along each axis. grid_type : str, optional Choice between 'cartesian', 'spherical' and 'cylindrical' *uniform* coordinate grids. Default: 'cartesian' """ def __init__(self, box, resolution, grid_type='cartesian'): # Base class initialization super().__init__(box, resolution) # Subclass specific attributes self.grid_type = grid_type
[docs] def generate_coordinates(self): """ This method is *automatically* called internally the first time any coordinate is requested. Generates a uniform grid based on the attributes `box`, `resolution` and `grid_type` and returns it in a dictionary. Returns ------- coordinates_dict : dict Dictionary containing the keys ('x','y','z') if `grid_type` is 'cartesian`, ('r_cylindrical', 'phi','z') if `grid_type` is spherical, and ('r_spherical','theta', 'phi') if `grid_type` is 'cylindrical`. """ # Creates array with starting and endpoints as specified in # and with self.resolution # Stores the dimensions (the begin of the interval is taken as reference) ubox = [row[0].unit for row in] # Constructs a dimensionless version (to enforce consistent dimensions # in the intervals and avoid problems in mgrid) box_vals = [ [b.to_value(unit) for b in row] for row, unit in zip(, ubox) ] local_slice = (slice(box_vals[0][0], box_vals[0][1], self.resolution[0]*1j), slice(box_vals[1][0], box_vals[1][1], self.resolution[1]*1j), slice(box_vals[2][0], box_vals[2][1], self.resolution[2]*1j)) local_coordinates = np.mgrid[local_slice] if self.grid_type=='cartesian': selected_coords = ['x','y','z'] elif self.grid_type=='spherical': selected_coords = ['r_spherical','theta','phi'] elif self.grid_type=='cylindrical': selected_coords = ['r_cylindrical','phi','z'] else: raise ValueError coordinates_dict = {k: cgrid*unit for k, cgrid, unit in zip(selected_coords, local_coordinates, ubox)} return coordinates_dict